SSA: Retrieving and Parsing a VOTable
If you want to quickly generate some download links from the SSA service, the following may be suitable:
- Create a string containing your query request.
- Send the request and download the VOTABLE results.
- Parse the VOTABLE file and extract the download links to each spectrum.
- Download the spectra internally or by printing out wget commands.
An example Python script is provided below. It requires the astropy module to be installed.
from import parse_single_table
import requests
from io import BytesIO
from astropy.time import Time
#SSA query URL
#query 6dF final data release only around RA=55 deg, DEC=-29.1 deg in a circle of 0.4 deg diameter
url = ",-29.1&SIZE=0.4&REQUEST=queryData&COLLECTION=6dfgs_fdr"
#perform the query via the above url and store contents in vot
vot = requests.get(url).content
#optionally write table to file
#fptr = open("ssa_table.xml","wb")
#open the table with astropy's votable package
table = parse_single_table(BytesIO(vot))
data = table.array
#Go through each row in the table
for i in range (0,len(data)):
#For 6dF spectra the band_name is either V, R or VR (the combined V+R spectrum)
band_name = data['band_name'][i]
#Since multiple observations may be available, use the midpoint of the observation
#in the filename to ensure all unique spectra are retrieved
midpoint = data['t_midpoint'][i]
#optionally, convert midpoint (MJD) to date string using astropy
#trimming off any fractional seconds at the end with '[:-4]'
t = Time(midpoint,format='mjd')
midpoint = t.value[:-4]
target_name = data['target_name'][i]
#URL of the spectrum; N.B. We add RESPONSEFORMAT=fits to get fits format
#otherwise the VO table is returned by default which would then have to be parsed
#to get the full link to the fits file
access_url = data['access_url'][i] + "&RESPONSEFORMAT=fits"
#filename to save spectrum to
ofname = "%s-%s-%s.fits" % (target_name,band_name,midpoint)
#Print out a wget command to download the data
#download_cmd = "wget -O %s \"%s\"" % (ofname,access_url)
#print (download_cmd)
#alternatively, download directly...
print ("Downloading ",ofname)
spec = requests.get(access_url).content
fptr = open(ofname,"wb")