Query Service Examples
The purpose of the catalogue query service is to search through all the catalogues within Data Central and extract useful information which can then be used within other Data Central tools, such as the Single Object Viewer or Bulk Download. Below are some examples to help you get started, as well as links to example science use cases where the query service is used. More detailed documentation for the query service can be found in the reference.
Example Use Cases for the Query Service
- Finding Potential Binary Systems
- Download GAMA spectra for specific ranges of luminosity and colour
- Focusing on one galaxy in a pair
- Download all data from a desired source
- Download images and spectra of galaxies that are not in a group and in an overdensity using GAMA
- How many brightest cluster galaxies are also central cluster galaxies at low redshifts
- Find all low redshift galaxies in a pair, where the redshift is good enough for science
Survey-specific Examples
More Examples
If you have an example you'd like to add, please get in touch.
Return all galaxies in a pair, with redshift (0.1< z<0.3) and quality flag cut.
SELECT t1.PairID, t1.Gal1CATAID, t1.Gal2CATAID, t2.CATAID, t2.Z, t2.nQ
FROM gama_dr2.G3CGalsInPair as t1
INNER JOIN gama_dr2.StellarMasses as t2 on t2.CATAID = t1.Gal1CATAID
WHERE t2.Z BETWEEN 0.1 and 0.3
AND t2.nQ > 2
For GAMA groups with Ngal>4 and 0.02< z <0.1, how many brightest cluster galaxies are also central cluster galaxies.
SELECT t1.GroupID, t1.Nfof, t1.IterCenCATAID, t1.Zfof, t1.BCGCATAID
FROM gama_dr2.G3CFoFGroup as t1
WHERE t1.Zfof BETWEEN 0.02 and 0.1
AND t1.Nfof > 4
Select all galaxies that are denied as being in a group based on the GAMA group catalogue and also in an over-dense environment using the EnvironmentalMeasures catalogue (SIGMA_5>5), and have stellar mass>10^10.
SELECT t1.CATAID, t1.GroupID, t2.fluxscale, t2.logmstar, t3.SurfaceDensity
FROM gama_dr2.G3CGal as t1
INNER JOIN gama_dr2.StellarMasses as t2 on t2.CATAID = t1.CATAID
INNER JOIN gama_dr2.EnvironmentMeasures as t3 on t3.CATAID = t1.CATAID
WHERE t1.GroupID = 0
AND t3.SurfaceDensity > 5
AND (t2.logmstar + LOG10(t2.fluxscale) - 2*LOG10(0.67/0.7)) > 10
Using ADQL
SELECT top 50 a.aat_id,g.CATAID
FROM aat.aat_archive as a, gama_dr2.InputCatA as g
) and g.CATAID=202627