General Virtual Observatory Examples
In addition to the Virtual Observatory (VO) services hosted by Data Central, there are a variety of other VO services available that offer valuable functionality.
Here you may find some example Python scripts that use these services.
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Hierarchical Progressive Surveys (HiPS)
The HiPS format is a hierarchical tiling mechanism that allows users to access large amounts of catalogue and imaging data in a variety of ways.
A large amount of data are available in HiPS format and a large list is available here.
Perhaps the most useful application for the HiPS image data are image cutout generation.
Some of the examples for the Data Central Simple Spectral Access service already make use of the hips2fits service to make cutouts.
The following are some example applications:
- Generating image cutouts with SUMSS and ASKAP RACS contour overlays
- Generating image cutouts with radio overlays from multiple surveys
The following example is similar to the above, but instead accesses the RACS data directly from CASDA:
Mosaics produced with Caltech IPAC Montage
The Caltech IPAC Montage package is a powerful suite of tools to produce mosaics. In these examples we make use of the MontagePy module to build some SkyMapper mosaics.
- Generating mosaics from the SkyMapper SIA service (single position query)
- Generating mosaics from the SkyMapper SIA service (multiple position queries)
- Plotting a colour-composite image from mosaics with a radio overlay