Q. Which keywords define the wavelength scale?
A. Wavelength is defined using standard FITS keywords, such as CRPIX1, CRVAL1, CDELT1, CTYPE1 and CUNIT1. All spectra have been placed on the heliocentric reference frame.
Q. What is rmag
A. rmag is the r band AB magnitude in a 2" aperture. See the DES data release pages for details?
Q. Are the OzDES spectra flux calibrated?
A. The spectra are not flux calibrated, not even in a relative sense. This is due to fibre positioning errors, chormatic aberrations from the 2dF corrector, and seeing. We are investigating ways to calibrate the spectra using broad band photometry. The flux units are normalised counts per unit wavelength.
Q. Why do some objects with qop=1 or 2 have a redshift.
A. The redshift of these objects comes from the transient and not the host galaxy. For these cases, the redshift flag refers to the confidence in the redshift.