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A complete guide to using Data Central
July 10, 2018 by E. Mannering
March 23, 2021, 5:02 a.m. S. O'Toole

Acknowledging Data Central

Data Central

Data acknowledgement

Any work published using data from AAO Data Central should include the following statement in the Acknowledgement section of the published work.

This paper includes data that has been provided by AAO Data Central  (

Services/code acknowledgement

Any work published using services or code from AAO Data Central should include the following statement in the Acknowledgement section of the published work.

This paper makes use of services or code that have been provided by AAO Data Central  (

Hosted surveys

Additional acknowledgement requirements for the individual surveys and instruments hosted at Data Central are provided in this category. Please ensure you have included all relevant acknowledgements in your work.

July 10, 2018 by E. Mannering
March 23, 2021, 5:02 a.m. S. O'Toole